The Art of Healing retreat is an accessibly priced luxury wellness experience for those who are looking to discover the tools to unlock their full potential.

For anyone, from any walk of life. Here is where you will access the innate ability you possess to be embodied, and empowered.

The Art of Healing emphasizes giving you back the power to be responsible for your healing and being in attunement with your most regulated, joyful self.

Our expert international facilitators will guide you through a range of different practices, and modalities, and share wisdom from a large scope of the healing arts. All to give you a toolbox of vast holistic techniques to be able to use at any point of your life, and integrate back into your practices.

We will hold you in loving self-accountability so you can step up to be the wise one in your life.  Our aim is for you to walk back into the world as a centered individual who can tap into your power and knowledge for self-improvement. We don’t believe those who say that you cannot heal yourself!

Through extensive research of the market, we have come up with competitive pricing that allows for a vast sliding scale of room options depending on your financial capacity. We want this to be accessible to as many people as possible.

This is an invitation to come back home to yourself and be the most vibrant creator of your own life.



  • Luxury accommodation at a private eco-retreat for 6 nights and 7 days

  • Seasonal, local meals 3x per day by a private chef

  • Unlimited to all facilities, including sauna, ice bath, gym, and pool

  • Somatic Movement Workshop

  • Daily yoga classes

  • Medicine Breathwork journeys

  • Art of Connection: Zen Thai Shiatsu workshop

  • Natal Chart 101 astrology workshop

  • Journey through the 12 Archetypes astrology workshop  

  • Birth script workshop: how your birth imprint has shaped you

  • 24hr onsite access to experienced facilitators

  • Sound healing at the Pyramids of Chi

  • Water purification at Titra Empul

  • Sunrise volcano hike

  • Guided meditations

  • Pranayama

  • Tools on how to self-regulate

  • 1hr massage

  • Connecting with a new family 

ART OF HEALING is an intimate retreat held for a small number of participants so we can make sure that your experience is unique and focused on your Journey.


You are seeking to identify and release traumas and outdated patterns.
You are seeking tools on how to self-regulate.
You are seeking to deepen your spiritual practice.
You are seeking to connect to a wider global community of wellness-minded people.
You are seeking to find deeper joy through self attunement. 
You believe you can be responsible for your own self improvement.
You believe that you have the capacity to reach a happier, healthier, more vibrant version of yourself.

If any of these things call to you, this is your invitation.

Facilitators & Workshops

Our facilitators are experts in their field and are highly sought after and in high demand for one-on-one sessions, during our retreat participants will get access to them for the whole week to help them at any time in their journey.

Most retreats have their facilitators for a limited amount of time.
We are going deeper and making available skilled resources to help care deeply for our participants the entire time.

YOGA ・ Ellisa Chrisson

"My mission in life is to open the heart, mind and souls of those who seek growth to live in love and harmony with themselves and the world around them. I wish to share with you my experiences and my story, the places I have been, the things I have seen, life, love & everything in between, my yoga journey and my artist dream. Exploration of my inner and outer world through yoga, art, movement and adventure.”

Elissa is an expert yoga teacher, having completed her training in the styles of hatha, yin, vinyasa, and ashtanga. 

On this retreat she will focus more on slower yoga journeys, like Yin as well as leading yoga Nidra’s, and partner yoga.

Yin yoga works deeply into our body with passive, longer-held poses. It targets the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia networks of the body and the meridians.


“This ancient technology is my greatest teacher and love. I see the way it guides the native back to the arms of their highest purpose again and again, with numerical precision and accuracy. I see that we were granted a guide for our journey from pain to triumph. This gift is one of the greatest testaments I have that our Creator is a creature of compassion, for those who refuse to grow are given an unlimited supply of patience from the higher Master Architect. Your success is in fact, inevitable.”


  • Alex is an Evolutionary Astrologer forging a dream career from her long-standing passion for the stars.  Spellbound since childhood, Alex has been studying and mastering Astrology for over twenty years, and has guided workshops and retreats all over the world. Prior to Astrology, Alex studied Philosophy, Psychology, and Yoga, and fuses  all three to elevate within life and guidance within her sessions

A journey through the 12 Archetypes:
Ever wonder WHY Sagittarius loves to travel, or WHY Gemini is so talkative and curious? This workshop takes a deep dive to understand these characters on a psychological level, removing the masks to get down to what makes these archetypes tick.

Natal chart 101
During this workshop, we will be using the evolutionary astrology model, which uses your South Node to examine past life karma (weaknesses/strengths, blockages, karmic debt, patterns, tendencies) and your North Node (what your soul desires to evolve into and accomplish in this lifetime) to get an overview of what this life is all about for you.


  • Nahal is a passionate advocate for equipping people with the tools they need to heal themselves. She strongly believes that the most significant work can be accomplished when individuals feel empowered to take self-responsibility and accountability for their own healing. She also believes that everyone possesses an innate ability to tap into their inner guru, healer, and shaman.

    Furthermore, she places deep trust in the profound healing potential of conscious breath. With a solid foundation in her Certificate II in Rebirthing Breathwork Training, Nahal offers a unique perspective in her practice. Based in the ancient and sacred land of the Bundjalung Nation in Australia, she draws inspiration from the profound connection to nature that envelops her, firmly believing that nature itself is a potent catalyst for transformation.

    Nahal's journey in breathwork has been enriched through her close collaboration with the renowned breathwork expert, Lisa Graham. Together, they have co-facilitated transformative Medicine Breath Journeys. These journeys are an exploration of a lost wisdom, a rediscovery of the healing power that resides within each of us. Nahal believes that this wisdom has never truly been forgotten by the body; it's merely waiting to be reawakened.

  • Lisa is a breathwork practitioner, specialising in the art of the rebirthing technique. She is based in Bundjalung Nation, northern NSW.

    Medicine breath is influenced by her nursing background and extensive teachings through rebirthing and holotropic breathwork.

    As a Clinical Nurse Consultant, in end-of-life care, Lisa crafted an understanding in using breath patterns to open the body to access unprocessed wounding. Key to this technique is bringing the unconscious to the conscious for safe remembering and embracing the philosophy that your body remembers all moments of being alive.

    Lisa empowers every person to recognise their own self-healing capabilities and cultivates wisdom in the body to breathe itself.

    Lisas own spirituality is grounded in immersing herself in nature. Incorporated into her daily life is the discipline of water therapy, shamanic practices, and her deep love for yoga wherever she may be in the world.

Medicine breath
Through changing the pattern of breath we alter our state of consciousness. This altered state unlocks the body's cellular memory to facilitate a safe remembering of unrealised wounding. 

Birth script
Your body holds the memory of your birth, even if your birth story was never told to you, if you don’t remember it your body never forgets it. It is imprinted on your soul and the very fibre of your being.  The circumstances around your birth and what happened while you were being born can set you up with the way you act in life. Your birth story can control your life in unconscious ways until we unravel it.


This is your opportunity to explore fluidity and full bodied self expression, get curious about your tendencies for movement and how else you can engage with your environment, music and timing. Feel the satisfaction and liberation of activating every cell of the body and let the bodies language communicate without holding to words, stories or narratives. Freedom comes with the dissolve. Completely let go and experience pure being, celebrate your self work, your body, and the life you continue to move towards.

  • Bella is a movement artist, practitioner and mentor. With almost 10 years of studying and 5 years of teaching, a natural dedication emerges for the ongoing curiosity to translate our psychosomatic language and how that affects our lives through the facilitation of interactive immersive experiences, whether this is guiding a movement practice, offering a massage or elaborating the senses with a display of dance.

Somatic Movement
Cultivate heightened states of sensory awareness through presence, play, curiosity, and relaxation to support energy and emotions to move through your body with more ease, whilst releasing discomfort and stagnancy traversing new patterns of experience and developing new neurological pathways. 

Somatic Dance
This is your opportunity to explore fluidity and full bodied self expression, get curious about your tendencies for movement and how else you can engage with your environment, music and timing.

Somatic Dance
Is an enriching experience of practising trust, within yourself to support someone else and to trust them in return. We all feel the weight in our body, heart and mind some days, so let go and lean in to each other, ask for what you need and witness it being provided.


  • ・ Arrival
    ・ Lunch
    ・ Opening Circle / Getting To Know Facilitators
    ・ 1 Hour Breathwork Session
    ・ Free Time
    ・ Dinner
    ・ Restorative Yin (Ending In 15 Mins Of Yoga Nidra)

  • ・ Activating Pranayama/Morning Meditation
    ・ Yin Yoga
    ・ Breakfast
    ・ Astrology Workshop: A Journey Through The 12 Archetypes Part 1
    ・ Lunch
    Astrology Workshop: A Journey Through The 12 Archetypes Part 2
    ・ Art of Touch Zen Thai Workshop
    ・ Free Time
    ・ Dinner
    ・ 1 Hour Breathwork Session

    • 1 Hour Breathwork Session

    • Breakfast

    • Birth Script Workshop

    • Lunch

    • Free Time

    • Restorative Yin Flow

    • Early rise for a hike up to the top of Mount Batur volcano

    • Mt Batur Sunrise Hike

    • Breakfast At Zest

    • Titra Empul Water Temple

    • Pyramids Of Chi

    • Dinner

    • Intention Setting & Sound Healing

    • Breakfast

    • Pranayama / meditation

    • Restorative Yin

    • 1 Hour Breathwork Session

    • Lunch

    • Free Time

    • Art of Touch Zen Thai Workshop

    • 1hr Breathwork Session

    • Dinner

    • Partner Yoga

    • Meditate & Yin

    • Breakfast

    • 1hr Breathwork Session

    • Astrology Workshop: Natal Charts 101 Part 1

    • Lunch

    • Astrology Workshop:
      Natal Charts 101 Part 2

    • Free Time

    • Dinner

    • Somatic Movement Workshop

    • Pranayama & Meditation -

    • 1hr Breathwork Session

    • Breakfast

    • Closing Circle

    • Check Out


Imagine yourself at the Oasis an Eco Complex nestled inside the famous Canggu, Bali. With lush Rice Field views and surrounded by greenery, you will truly feel like you are in your own Oasis.

Gym, Yoga Shala, Ice Bath, Sauna, Cinema, Game Area, Common Area, and more.

Soul Immersion Bali Retreat 2023

" Nahal’s Soul Immersion Retreat was a very transformational experience. The facilitators present were experts in their offerings and I was immersed in to a deep healing process.

The breathwork, yoga, and astrology sessions were so expansive and curated perfectly around daily excursions around Bali. The location of the retreat was beautiful and the food was delicious. I was so fortunate to be in such a beautiful place surrounded by like-minded people. The entire week felt like a dive deep inwards and big expansions outwards - I couldn’t of asked for more. Nahal’s retreat are incredible, I’m looking forward to see what she comes up with next! ” ⎯ Sofia T

" The retreat was a very positive and safe place for many souls to come together, to be truthful and open without prejudice or judgment, and to be warmly held in a truly gorgeous environment.

The facilitators added much value individually, each offering their skills and wisdom.

Nahal is a very nurturing and attentive space holder, both in the group and towards each person individually. Her gentle truthfulness and openness were liberating to behold and to be in interaction with.

It was wonderful to be part of what felt like a birthing of something powerful which feels destined to grow and evolve for the behalf of many in the future.” ⎯ Sofia

“Nahal’s Soul Immersion Retreat was an experience of a lifetime! Nahal and the other facilitators held a container that was both intimate and nourishing.

The breathwork was transformative. I was happily surprised by the amount of healing I went through and the clarity I received. The yoga, astrology, and excursions brought a sense of play that helped balance the deep, inner work. The villa that we stayed at was absolutely gorgeous, the pool was my favorite part I would recommend Nahal’s retreats to anyone looking to expand their soul and make deep connections in the process. ⎯ Alyssa


  • Yes! Payment plans are possible with a $500 deposit, and 2x payments towards your chosen room option thereafter. The full amount is to be paid 60 days before the retreat commences.

  • Absolutely. We have 4 experienced, heart-centred, amazing facilitators onsite for the entire time of your retreat. Not to mention the incredible staff at the Oasis who are there to help in any way that we cannot.

    This kind of onsite care is something we pride ourselves on, we are here to help, listen, share, and hold whenever you feel you may need some extra support.

  • YES!!! This retreat isn’t for the experienced yogi who is solely looking to deepen their practice. We will be focusing on restorative practices that aim to gently drop you back into your body and breathe into spaces of tension/trapped emotion. It’s all about nervous system regulation- it’s not aimed at being a workout.

  • This retreat is for anyone who feels called to commit to self-accountability, self-responsibility, and inner growth. Whether you have sat in countless circles, or are someone who is stepping into these transformational processes for the first time- our program is thoughtfully created to be inclusive and accessible. Here you will learn the tools you need to leave with, no matter what stage of life you arrived at.

  • Absolutely. It is safe for pregnant people to join in on any and all of the workshops and activities that this retreat offers. Your capacity to participate in the activities depends on your individual needs, only you know what is best for your body.

  • You can pick and choose to partake in whatever you wish. There is a suggested itinerary that will be followed, but there is absolutely no obligation to join in on something when you don’t feel to. With the work that you will be doing over the week it’s natural for the body to feel like it needs more rest than usual, so listening to your needs and prioritising them is paramount.

  • This retreat is an open and safe space for ALL people to attend. Whilst the retreat facility is not 100% wheelchair accessible, we will do our best to facilitate your individual needs in any way possible. One of our onsite facilitators has worked as a registered nurse for 25 years, and another is currently working as a disability support worker.

    If this is a retreat that you feel called to join yet are unsure about how that looks or will work for you, please get in contact so we can understand how to work with you better.

  • As of June 9th 2023 the Indonesian government no longer requires proof vaccination to enter the country.