Retreat Policy.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that on all refunds there will be a $100 administrative fee deducted.

If cancelling 60 days or more prior to retreat or tour start date: Any payment made will be refunded upon request. 

If cancelling within 59-30 days of departure: Any payment made other than the non-refundable deposit will be refunded upon request. here will be a $100 administrative fee deducted.

  • Within 16-45 days of departure:  50% of the total price

  • Within 15 days: 100% of the total price.

It is highly recommended that you seek travel insurance at the time of booking, to ensure you are protected from any change in circumstances such as flight delays or cancellations, health impairments, acts of terrorism, work emergencies etc. 

This retreat accepts no liability for any injuries, damaged or lost property, or other issues that may arise whilst on this tour. 

 In signing the terms and conditions it is acknowledged that you agree that this retreat bears no responsibility for any injury, loss or damaged property and you agree that you have been advised to seek relevant travel insurance from a licensed Insurance company or agency.

Due to the extensive planning and costs associated with organising this retreat, these cancellation fees will apply in the event you should cancel for any reason. 

Please note, we accept no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged property.

By registering for and participating in this retreat you acknowledge the following:

  • You understand that participation in this retreat may involve physical and mental activities that carry inherent risks. These activities are not a substitute for professional medical or mental health care.

  • You are of stable mental health and not under the care of a mental health professional or receiving treatment for psychological or emotional disorders.

  • You are in good physical health and do not have any medical conditions that would prevent your safe participation in the activities provided during the retreat.

  • You voluntarily assume all risks associated with participating in the retreat, including physical injury or harm.

  • You release and discharge this retreat, its owners, employees, agents, and any associated personnel from any and all claims, actions, demands, and liabilities, whether known or unknown, that may arise out of or are in any way connected with your participation in the retreat.

  • This release includes claims based on negligence, action, or inaction of this retreat, its agents, employees, or third parties involved in the organization of the retreat.

By signing up to this retreat you acknowledge that you have read and understood this liability waiver and release, and you agree to its terms.

Please note that unless requested otherwise, we reserve the right to use photos and videos taken during the retreat for promotional and marketing purposes. We ensure the privacy and comfort of all participants and will not be sharing your details.  

For any enquiries about the retreats policies please contact Nahal